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But u can also approach BHC for benefit but they will charge some fees for conversion…The general formulae for calculating fees is (New rate – Old Rate) * Outstanding Loan amount / 100 e.g. Any idea what would be the typical time taken for this whole process. Now i will explain how it will not impact in terms of interest rate, i will take 2 e.g. Now I would sound like a fool here, all banks personal loan current interest rates cheater but I need to correct it out.

I want to know whether it is based on BPLR or base rate. With respect to HFC, all I understood is, they will provide a separate ‘spread’ to each customer.

Last month I happen to open a letter sent to me stating that my int rate is at 17.5% RLR , my current outstanding is around 20 lacs n the tenor gone up by 5 years. It helped me understand these two terms.

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