UCONN Home Grants For Teachers

Industry News

Finding grants is EASY with our Grant Search tool. And the fourth step -- the subject of this issues article -- is to narrow down the list of grants to those whose criteria match your needs and then call a contact person to verify that match. Stipends are only allowed as part of a group Learning & Leadership Grant. Developing a solution to grants for teachers address those issues.

But why go through all that stress and torment when you could simply do a better job of planning. A postbaccalaureate program is not TEACH-Grant-eligible if it is offered by a school that also offers a bachelor’s degree in education.

Unfortunately, this does not bode well for schools anywhere in the country. Stipends, salaries, and grant administration fees are prohibited in the Student Achievement Grant guidelines.

University of NYC
70 Washington Sq.
New York, NY 10012