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Give the salesperson your figure and say you want the lowest markup over that amount. To get the best possible experience using our site we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version. Knowing the real price means truly knowing new car prices - TrueCar makes you a car price expert. TrueCar provides all of this new car pricing information at both a national and local level buy new cars so you can understand how cars are being priced and sold all around the country.

But no matter who ends up sitting across the desk from you, your clear explanation of what you’re looking for will help counteract the diversionary tactics that salespeople often count on to give them the all-important bargaining edge. New cars are pure purchase and assured depreciation, buy new cars except in the rarest of circumstances. I know this was supposed to be a short comment.

TrueCar provides the true price of what people can expect to pay on average for new cars in your local area. Though the process can be difficult, buying a new car shouldnt be thought of as a war between buyer and seller; instead, its a business negotiation — nothing more, nothing less.

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