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Most homeowners policies include a minimum of $100,000 worth of liability protection. After the current Hib vaccine was introduced, the incidence of Hib meningitis declined to fewer than fifty cases per year—typical of all widely used vaccines. Posted in Alternative Medicine, Bioethics, Childrens Health, General Health, Parenting | Comments Off.

Click to continue reading “If you don’t vaccinate your kids, should your kids be kept away from school, team sports, and youth groups. Most parents believe vaccination is a good way to protect their children from potentially deadly diseases, but a study shows more than half still worry about the possibility of vaccine side effects.

Many of those who wrote comments simply do not understand how safe and effective vaccines are. In 2008, unvaccinated school-age children contributed to measles outbreaks in California, Illinois, Washington, Arizona and New York, said Dr.

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